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Importance of customer journey tracking in managing your pharmacy
Customer journey tracking is a common and effective way for all kinds of businesses to understand how customers experience every stage of engagement with them. In practical terms, this means seeing the experience of being a customer from the customer’s perspective and...
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9 ways to build your pharmacy’s online presence
Why does your pharmacy's online presence matter?...
Which website builder should pharmacies use? Wix, WordPress, and Squarespace comparison
Does your pharmacy have an online presence? Are...
Patient appointments: how can a booking system benefit both pharmacies and their customers?
The pandemic accelerated digital adoption across...
How to manage vaccination appointments: Flu shots, booster shots & the COVID-19 vaccination
While pharmacies have been administering flu...
Overcoming The Top 3 Concerns Patients Have About Telemedicine
While change can be overwhelming to some, it can...
The Advantages Of Telemedicine & How It Can Help Grow Your Business
According to a 2013 study carried out by Cisco,...